Chewing gum for the brain: Why do people talk such rubbish about Media Studies?
Why Media Studies is worth studying. Professor David Buckingham
1.The claim that media studies is a soft subject and that schools pushing their students into to get higher grades and get higher up the league tables.
2. I learnt that media is given a bad name because it allows the lower classes to interact with the power positions but also that it is experiencing the same predujice as english literature.
Online media, Cleggmania, and the Cowell Factor.
How do online media and convergence impact on the ways audiences and producers use and create media? Dr Julian McDougall
How do online media and convergence impact on the ways audiences and producers use and create media? Dr Julian McDougall
1. He speaks about the idea of media 2.0 comparing it to the internet 2.0, saying that the media has envolved and every media is expriencing convergance. Also he examines whether or not people such as simon cowell has dictatership or democratic power; aswell as the impact of the live political debates.
2. The idea of power and how he suggest it should work interested me, in particular whether simon cowell has as much power as the priminster.
Perfecting your production work.
How to get the most out of your practical projects. Pete Fraser
How to get the most out of your practical projects. Pete Fraser
1. He remind us of the importance of planning aswell as taking a lot of shots for each scene. Also he said don't be affraid to take risk
2. I took from the lecture that i should plan for things to go wrong.
Paranormal Media: audiences, spirits and magic in popular culture
Supernatural media, audiences, and key concepts at A level. Professor Annette Hill.
Supernatural media, audiences, and key concepts at A level. Professor Annette Hill.
1. She spoke about the fascination in the paranormal activity within the current media landscape.
2. I learnt from her lecture to look deeper into your chosen genre than the most popular shows and explore the less popular text.
I have to say the design of your blog is terrible. It is virtually unreadable.
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