"Postmodernism tries to come to terms with and understand a media-saturated society. The mass media, for example, were once thought of as holding up a mirror to, and thereby reflecting, a wider social reality. Now that reality is only definable in terms of surface reflection of the mirror" Strinati suggest that previously the media simply used to re-present society to us but have now moved to a position of dictating how society now works. Instead of an image we are being shown a simulation and now imitating it to try and match the projection; times have moved and metaphorically speaking us, as in the audience, have now become said mirror. "Postmoderism is sceptical of any absolute, universal and all-embracing claim to knowledge and argues that theories or doctrines which make such claims are increasingly open to criticism, contestation and doubt". For me this is the clearest definition of postmoderism, although it is still undefined.
Print: An Introduction to theories of popular culture
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