Tuesday, 25 January 2011

MEST 4 Task 2: Sports and the traditions of feminism theory essay

Most people do not want to be re-described. They want to be taken on their own terms - taken seriously just as they are and just as they talk... the best way to cause people long-lasting pain is to humiliate them by making the things that seemed most important to them look futile, obsolete and powerless. consider what happens when a child's precious possession - the little things around which he weaves his fantasies that make him a little different from all other children - are described as 'trash', and thrown away or consider what happens when those possessions are made to look ridiculous alongside the possessions of another richer child.

This suffering is the loss of the opportunity to search for and experience private autonomy and public authority in the social practice of sport such a search is explained by Blake as: "I must create my own system, or be enslaved by another man's"(Rorty, 1991), and such enslavement to the system of male-defined sport is a regular part of the female athlete's experience. The female athlete performs her sport within a limited array of choices of appropriate language of play, all of which make clear her inferiority to the male athlete.

The world does not speak only we do. The world can, once we have programmed ourselves with a language, cause us to hold beliefs. But it cannot propose a language for us to speak. Only other human beings can do that... The moral is not that objective criteria for choice of vocabulary are to be replaced with subjective criteria, reason with will or feeling. It is rather that the notions of criteria and choice...



Media1st@BDA said...

This is not enough Henry!

You have to do much more than this to get the A* grade.

Take pictures of the book work you have done. If you don't want to write it all up. (see Niketa's blog as an example)