Monday, 31 January 2011

MEST 4 Task 2: Feminist Sport Studies: sharing experiences joy and pain

"The main premise of standpoint feminism as advocated by Sandra Harding (1990,1998), Nancy Hartstock (1990), and Dorothy Smith (1987), is the focus on the social construction of women's everyday experiences. Central to this feminist epistemology is the idea that reality, as we know it, is constructed through men's eyes and consequently knowledge that we have about women is also constructed through the same falsifying lens."

"Nancy Hartsock (1990), for example, argues that the women are alienated from their "real" experiences because they are forced to use dominant male, conceptual schemes"

"In Sports Studies, standpoint feminism has been advocated openly only by few feminist sport scholars (e.g., Dewer,1993; Krane 2001) and some feminist conclude that "that dominant sociological approaches to the investigation of women in sport... have placed primary emphasis upon the institutional framework within which individuals operate rather than on the variable and more subjective qualitative experiences of women themselves" (Bolin & Granskog 2003)