Tuesday, 1 February 2011

MEST 4 Task 2: Marxism, cultural studies and sports

"A dialectical marxism would require both a theoretical concern for the logic of capital and an empirical concern for experience. The logic, surely, is ever present and cannot be relegated to some last instance of determinate on and experience, the mediator of culture, is not purely independent of the logic. Is not a concern for the relationship between capitals logic and lived experiences integral to an adequate analysis of social formation, social being and social consciousness? Is this concern not the crux of Gramsci's contribution?"

"As the culturally and historically specific expression of physical culture under the conditions of capitalism, few redemptive qualities were seen to be present in sport. The limiting and damaging culture of sport was contrasted with the expansive and liberating qualities of play. Sport was, as the title of Jean-Marie Brohm's seminal book so evocatively captured 'a prison of measured time'."

"This attempt at a kind of rapprochement between marxism and contemporary social and political theory reflects the very different economic and political conjunctures between the mid-1980s, the high tide of new right radicalism, and the late 1990s, which show the return of Marx to public and academic debates (Martin 2002)"