Monday, 4 October 2010


1. The Truth Behind Hip Hop - take a look into the controversy surrounding the hip hop genre/culture and investigate the reasons why

2. The linked production piece could be:
  • a 4/5 page article in XXL or another hip hop based magazine touching on a number of topics associated with the hip hop culture.
  • a music video showing the current state of hip hop in the current media landscape.
  • a radio interview with a hip hop star talking about the violence and abuse of women in hip hop or arguments of free masonry.
3. MTV Base - music channel solo based on playing music from a hip hop culture.
XXL Magazine - a magazine solo based around the hip hop lifestyle.

4. Because they are both based around the hip hop genre and will have a lot of content as-well as address all of the topics that are said to be caused by the raise of hip hop in the main stream media.

5.MTV Base
M Conventions of the typical video i.e. girls, alcohol
I Viacom
G 24-hr Music Channel
R Represents the stars of the videos as living glamours lifestyles
I Shows the Ideologies of Hip Hop through the videos and promotes such ideologies to the audiences
N Plays music videos as well as comedy and reality television all based around artists

M Articles and pictures
I Harris Publications
G Hip Hop Magazine
R The Hip Hop genre through pictures and articles on the stars
I Shows the Ideologies of Hip Hop through the content of the magazine images and text
N A number of features articles

6. The negative qualities hip hop music promotes such as: the selling of illegal drugs, violence, the mistreatment of women and promiscuity.

7. These two texts fit within the contemporary landscape as they are both still running in the current day and still acquire a large number of viewers/readers. Also the topic if hip hop is still within public debate and still manages to make it into the mainstream media i.e. a hip hop/r&b song can make it to top of the pop charts or a hip hop based film can make millions in the box office.

8. I choose to this topic because an area i hold genuine interest in and believe that could motivate me to do more research and work as it won't even feel like work. Also there is still a lot of content available on the topic along with many issue which allow for critical anatomy.